Register your claim

If you have received a claim letter from us you can begin your claim process now using the claim reference provided

Welcome to our dividend reunification website

You may have received a letter from us regarding unpaid dividends that may be owing to you.

To claim your outstanding payments please click on the ‘Begin your claim’ button where you will need to input your claim reference which is detailed on your letter. You will then be guided through a simple process to authenticate that you are the rightful owner(s) and if successful, provide your payment details. You will also be able to view further details of your shareholding, if you still own the shares. You will need to have the following information to hand before you begin:

  • Your claim reference, which is detailed on your letter
  • Previous address history
  • Details of your UK bank account which you would like us to pay thedividend(s) to
  • Your telephone number and/or email address

You will have 20 minutes to complete your claim online otherwise your claim will time out and you will need to contact us – due to stringent internet security policies put in place to protect your assets, there is no option on the portal to save your progress or restart your claim.

Please note, you will be asked a range of financial questions in order to confirm your identity and, when successfully answered, you will need to provide your bank account number and sort code to receive payment of the amount owing.

Further information about the claims process can be found in our frequently asked questions.